Beak Consultants GmbH at the conference „Colloquium of African Geology" (CAG24)

10th January 2013, Information systems projects and mineral predictive mapping software presented, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

At the renowned African conference, Beak Consultants has presented the results of its long-term engagement in the information technology and the mineral sector. Together with project partners from Rwanda, Ghana, Namibia and Uganda, experiences of implementing and maintaining big information systems for storage and distribution of geo-information have been presented and discussed with a large community. These systems are designed to store information at a national level. They are of inestimable value for the mineral sector and many other sectors of economy, public services and science as they are multiplying the value of once collected data. They are an important base for an effective national development and the attraction of investment.
Methodology and results of mineral predictive mapping were discussed by projects based in Ghana, Rwanda and Germany. Focus was set on the identification of new exploration targets for precious and rare metals, as gold, silver, tantalum, niobium, tin and tungsten. The advangeo® predictive mapping methodology uses neural network technologies and has been developed by Beak Consultants in the last 5 years.
„Advangeo - Creation of Mineral Prospectivity Maps by Artificial Neural Networks: Methodology, Experiences, Results, Application“
„Planning, Implementation and Introduction of Information Management Systems in Selected African Geological Surveys: Background, Experiences, Case Studies“

Presentation Dr. Andreas Barth
Presentation Andreas Knobloch
The venue